Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Project II: Serial Planes

Phase A: altered book

Photographic documentation:

Phase B: White planes serial sculpture/object


Photographic documentation:

Reaction Paper:

In this project, the study of serial planes, I have learned a lot through out the whole experience. In both phases of altering a book and creating a serial plane sculpture, you had to have an imaginative and conceptual thought process. For example, what would the book look like in the end when you fold each page every other way? For the serial plane, what kind of shape would the sculpture take after you cut the pieces? That process had a major role in both phases of the project. And that was one part that I had trouble visualizing. However, after creating phases one I learned from my mistakes and tried not to continue it into phase two.
After watching the video on the artist Maya Lin, It helped me a lot with the concepts of serial planes. In the video she stated that "art act as a catalyst" and that art is everything you ever known. She takes everything around her and use it for inspiration for her pieces. She doesn't let anything stop her to creating her pieces of art. She is a conceptual artist that visualizes everything from start to beginning. For example, when i was altering the book I had to think about what would it look like from start to beginning, and the shape it would take. Also when i structuring the serial plane in phase two, I had to keep in mind what would the shape look like after a continuing the planes. Learning about her as an artist, helped me visualize the project.
Through out the whole project, I learned a lot from the process. I learned that sketching is a part to the overall project. Without a good sketch or a fully thought out plane, there can be complications. By having a developed sketch and plan, the whole building process can be much easier. Also there are less chances to run into complications in the building process. For the next project, I will take that process more seriously so I do not encounter the same problem.

1 comment:

  1. Project 2: Serial Plane Study – Evaluation

    Phase 1: Altered Books: A-

    Your grade is based on the evaluation of your project in terms of Concept and Craftsmanship, your Oral presentation and Photo Documentation of the process posted in the blog/ folder.

    Phase 2: Foam board Project: A-

    Your grade is based on the assessment the second phase of this project in terms of Concept and Craftsmanship, application of Elements and Principles of Design while solving the problem and in your Oral presentation.

    Remember that, as in every project developed in this class, Sketches/models, Photo Documentation of the process along with your reflection of experiences in the paper and research posted in the blog/ folder are very important components in the consideration of your grade.

    Sketch models and Visual research requested for phase 2 of the project are missing in your blog portfolio. As you well described it in your reaction paper, sketching, research and planning are essential part of the process and that may benefit the success of your final work. I am pleased to know you are aware of that and look forward your work evolving. Enjoy the exhibitions at the Museums, take notes and references that may lead you to further research in the future.
