Sunday, February 7, 2010

Outside the box

Artists' videos

Richard Serra
  • Doesn't sketch before creating a piece, he sketches after he has designed a piece
  • He is more worried how each of the elements will work together.
  • Finds most of his inspiration from the sea.
  • Practices drawing to keep in touch with himself.
Doris S.
  • Creates pieces and turns them into reality.
  • Works on all aspects of pieces.
  • She likes to subtly hint messages in her pieces.
  • Her inspiration comes from other peoples experiences, not just her own.
  • Uses common elements to make her pieces.


Steps of the Process


"The world is but a canvas to the imagination" were once words stated by Henry David Thoreau. One can go online or look in the dictionary and creativity comes up as the use of the imagination or original ideas. However, creativity is something that cannot be defined as one single definition nor can it be taught or learned. It comes from the mind in which you imagine things. Someone's idea of creativity can be vastly different than another person and can still display the idea of creativity. Creativity can not be defined as a definition but as the expression of different people.
For example in the videos of the two artist Richard Serra and Doris S. they both had two widely different concepts of creativity. While Richard Serra based his pieces of industrial shapes and geometrical form Doris S. pieces came from experiences and turned them into reality. Even though they had different ideas and concepts of creativity, both still displayed a highly effective concept and idea.
I decided to pursue a creative career because I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else but that. In the beginning when I was deciding my major, I had to ask myself "would I be happy twenty years from now?" And nothing else made me say yes. To have a career where you are always using your creativity and imagination is something more than a job, its a lifestyle that no one can take away from you but yourself. To say that I am using my imagination for my career is something irreplaceable. Using my creativity is something I can never be confined as.

About the process
The assignments problem was to create a whole different structure from just one single box and to have no left over pieces. My inspiration for my design came from the thickness of the box and the colors that were on the box. I saw that the box was very malleable and the colors off the cereal box had an ombre effect. I got the idea of a lotus flower because I saw that the cereal box could easily be bended. I also wanted to add pyramids to the structure to mix up the idea of organic and geometrical shapes. However, while constructing the structure I ran into numerous of design problems. The flower was not taking the right shape that I originally had imagined and from there I had to steer away from the original design. After going through this project, I have learned many things for future projects. Such as making sure you have a clear concept and to sketch out everything. Without a clear concept and idea, the project can quickly take a turn into the wrong direction.

1 comment:

  1. Project 1 Evaluation – Anything but the Box

    1. Notes on Artist’ videos: Included

    2. 3-D Design Notebook/ Blog

    • Sketches: drawing included .
    • Photo documentation of process: Thorough documentation. Nice flow of building process. Interesting addition of close ups and details from different perspectives: enriches the view of the piece.

    • research on creativity/ reaction paper:
    Your paper reflects your understanding of what a problem-solving situation means in the assignment project and for any artist or designer when approaching their concept of work. (e.g. comparison between artists show in videos)

    3. “Anything but the Box” 3-d form /Oral Presentation

    • Concept / Process:
    Along this deconstruccion of the box/construction of your combined piece, you have shown understanding and definition of the problem of this assignment. I am glad you discover in the process how things quickly may turn into (not truly a ‘wrong’) direction. Often from the errors, interesting and creative surprises often emerge.

    Implementation / Final design Presentation
    Despite the limitations of the box you have chosen, you deal well with a sense of unity between geometrical and organic shapes/forms. Excellent craftsmanship. In terms of structure, the composition appears fragile but actually stand up in an stable and magical way. The piece is asking for a bigger size though, almost like the work is presented as a model for a bigger scale sculpture.

    Grade: A-
